PCCI, Inc. of Alexandria, Virginia, was awarded a professional consulting services contract for Project OASIS, a site and infrastructure project seeking to provide third-party validation for GO Virginia Region One (13 counties and 3 cities in Southwest Virginia) to become the location of choice in the Commonwealth for data centers. PCCI was selected to determine the feasibility of using of mine pool water circulation to augment data center cooling, and will be assisted by our subcontractor. Marshall Miller and Associates. to analyze the impact of water circulation on mine stability.  The project is being sponsored by InvestSWA, a new regional public-private marketing initiative for Southwest Virginia, and the contract is being administered by the LENOWISCO Planning District Commission which received grant funding from both GO Virginia and the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy for the project.

A Business Journal article with additional information on Project OASIS can be found here: http://bjournal.com/project-oasis-to-study-data-center-opportunities-in-southwest-virginia/

PCCI, Inc. (Alexandria, Virginia) is pleased to announce that Mr. Solomon Kidane has joined PCCI’s Hyperbaric Systems Division at our Alexandria Warehouse as a Lead Hyperbaric Technician. He will be supporting the fabrication, installation and maintenance of multiplace/monoplace Hyper/Hypobaric chambers and related equipment. Mr. Kidane’s education and professional training includes fabrication of monoplace and multiplace hyperbaric chamber systems, certificate in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Hyperbaric Facility Maintenance & Inspection, Maintenance and PVHO Documentation of Hyperbaric Chamber Acrylics, and Professional Electrician Training.  Prior to joining PCCI, Mr. Kidane spent four years working for Hyperbaric Services Plus LLC, and eight years working with Reimers Systems, Inc. (RSI) where he acquired several years of relevant experience in the hyperbaric industry, with rapid progression of responsibilities. Prior to starting Work at RSI, Mr. Kidane also worked for C.A.E. Aviation, as a service technician responsible for the periodic inspection, refurbishment and repair of C130 Hercules aircraft owned by the Canadian Air Force.

PCCI engineer Pat Grandelli is a co-author of the newly-released Technical Specification “Design and analysis of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) plant – General guidance” published by the International Electrotechnical Commission. He attended the 7th International OTEC Symposium in Busan to discuss the new publication and to observe Korea’s new barge-mounted OTEC system. On September 30th, 2019, Korea’s system set an unofficial new record by generating 370 kilowatts of electricity.  The new design guidance is available at:  https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/28618.

PCCI, Inc. (Alexandria, Virginia) is pleased to announce that Mr. Ramesh Dixit, P.E., PCCI’s Hyperbaric Systems Division Head, has joined The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) HBO2 Safety Committee.  UHMS is an international non-profit organization serving members from more than 50 countries. The UHMS is the primary source of scientific information for diving and hyperbaric medicine physiology worldwide.

PCCI’s Hyperbaric Systems Division is an established provider of high-quality hardware solutions for man-rated hyperbaric and hypobaric applications in the medical hyperbaric, hypobaric and tunneling industries.   Further information on our capabilities is available at https://www.pccihyperbarics.com/.

PCCI, Inc. of Alexandria, Virginia, was awarded a Phase 1 Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) contract by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science to investigate pumping and compression using marine and hydrokinetic energy.  PCCI, and our Virginia based University partner will test and improve a novel tube pump, powered by wave action, to furnish high pressure water for desalination using reverse osmosis.

The Global PCCI Joint Venture has been awarded a five-year contract to provide the engineering and technical services to man, manage, maintain, and operate the ESSM System and to provide operational and non-operational support to the Navy’s oil and hazardous substance (OHS) spill response program.  Under this contract, Global PCCI will provide remote-site ESSM equipment operation, maintenance, and related support for the full range of pollution response, underwater ship husbandry, diving, salvage, and search and recovery operations.  Global PCCI has held similar contracts for over 30 years.

Global PCCI provided on-site engineering and technical expertise, equipment operations, and vessel leasing for the recovered oil storage and disposal as part of a U.S. Navy led team that removed 229,000 gallons of oil from a sunken World War II era German heavy cruiser located in the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands.

Read more about it here:https://www.marinelink.com/news/oil-removed-wwii-era-shipwreck-443948?utm_source=MT-ENews-2018-11-14&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MT-ENews

On September 28 2018, GSA awarded PCCI a Multiple Award Schedule 00CORP contract.  The period of performance is five-years, with the potential for three additional five-year options.  This contract replaces PCCI’s previous GSA 00CORP contract which will expire in June of 2019 after being in place for 20-years.  PCCI offers a full range of environmental, engineering and technical, logistics, mission-oriented business integrated services, and order level materials, to Government clients under this contract.  PCCI plans to continue our support to past users of our contract, and welcomes new agencies as future contract users.

PCCI as the sole and exclusive representative of SOS Group for U.S. Government sales of the Hyperlite 1 Emergency Evacuation Hyperbaric Stretcher, has supplied these units to the U.S. Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, FBI, NOAA, as well as the DHS Customs and Border Protection.

SOS Hyperlite 1 Emergency Stretcher in action, click here.