Environmental Services

PCCI provides environmental services specializing in pollution and hazardous substance risk assessments, emergency response planning and training, permit planning, and environmental compliance audit services.  Our multidisciplinary environmental staff includes chemical, civil and environmental engineers; environmental scientists; geographic information system analysts, marine safety and environmental protection experts; toxicologists, and technicians.

We are actively helping our clients comply with new CWA 40 CFR 118 regulations by developing robust Hazardous Substances Facility Response Plans (HS FRP).  Following HS FRP submission, PCCI can serve as the primary interface during the EPA regulatory review process and provide expert responses to ensure HS FRPs secure final regulatory approval.

On March 28, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published in the Federal Register the final Clean Water Act (CWA) Hazardous Substances Facility Response Plans (HS FRP) regulation under 40 CFR 118.  Following this new rule, facilities will need to determine the applicability of the rule to their facility and, if required, submit a FRP to the EPA by June 1, 2027.  Read more here about the rulemaking.

PCCI is applying our 30+ years of experience writing OPA 90 Facility Response Plans (FRPs) for a wide range of facility types for all branches of the U.S. DOD and MARAD as well as private sector clients to quickly and efficiently develop new HS FRPs to meet this regulatory requirement.

PCCI provides end-to-end Hazardous Substance FRP development support, including:

  • Determining if 40 CFR 118 applies to your facilities.
  • Coordinating with the facility to conduct a comprehensive onsite risk assessment.
  • Identifying the facilities worst-case discharge (WCD).
  • Calculating toxicity endpoints and planning distances.
  • Developing hazardous substance spill mitigation strategies.
  • Creating a credible operational response plan for hazardous substances that defends against harm to natural resources and navigable waters.
  • Serving as the primary interface during the EPA regulatory review process and providing in-depth responses to address EPA observations to ensure the HS FRP aligns with EPA expectations for final regulatory approval.

PCCI provides third-party reviews and assessments of projects against established corporate, national and international environmental best practices and standards.  Our experience has included audits of oil, gas, and mineral extraction, production, and transportation industries.

On behalf of multinational banks and corporations PCCI has reviewed the environmental, health and safety aspects of proposed and ongoing operations, and conducted site audits to assess emergency response preparedness at locations in Aruba, Australia, Bahamas, Brazil, Columbia, Curacao., Egypt, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Suriname and the U.S.A.

PCCI’s environmental staff stay abreast of current Federal and State regulations and can assist with your environmental and regulatory compliance requirements.  Our services include:

  • Compliance Guidance Documents
  • Environmental Protection Plans
  • Hazard Pathway and Spill Risk Analyses
  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Support
  • Permitting Support
  • Regulatory and Environmental Reviews
  • Site Investigations and Assessments


No matter what the hazard, responding to an emergency is one of the toughest challenges a company may face.  PCCI provides a full range of training services to improve or validate your response readiness for all hazards response.  Our staff has the expertise and depth of experience to help keep you ready.

PCCI’s experience in managing emergency response operations on behalf of the U.S. Navy will help ensure your training is practical, realistic, and efficient.  Whether your training is required for local, regional, or national response, PCCI can provide organizational management emergency response teams and tactical first responder training for any risk.  Our refined approach integrates company crisis management systems with applicable internal and external response plans, enabling you to practice response procedures and validate your company’s readiness.

PCCI’s engineers, licensed merchant marine officers and experienced salvage officers provide pollution prevention and risk analysis for facility, terminal and vessel operators.  These services give the owner improved safety, reduced losses, operating cost control, and better regulatory compliance.  Our experience includes:

  • Fire and explosion hazard analyses
  • Fuel Department Operations Manuals
  • Navigation risk analyses
  • Oil Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plans
  • Tanker spill risk analyses
  • Vessel damage control analyses
  • Wreck and sunken vessel oil removal plans

PCCI helps owners and operators fully comply with oil and hazardous substance spill response planning requirements.  PCCI has prepared:

  • Facility spill response plans meeting BSEE, EPA, PHMSA, USCG and state requirements.
  • Pipeline and rolling stock spill response plans
  • Regional spill response plans
  • Tanker and other vessel spill response plans


Technology Working for You

PCCI uses today’s information technologies to manage environmental data for government and industry.

PCCI’s GIS project team combines environmental and geospatial data of all formats into user-friendly analytical software.  Our primary applications allow quick access to essential information needed for environmental planning or emergency response.